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Coaching Simplified - The "Why"

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Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.

Question For Reflection  
If We Could Reach Our Goals By Ourselves, Wouldn't We Already Be On The Path?

Executive Coaching simplified.  The Nexus Initiative is a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.

Coaching Starts with the Right Questions...

Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.
Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.

Content with the Status Quo?

- Are you avoiding anything?
- What is going well or needs work?
- Are you feeling stuck or declining?

Do You have Proper Support?

- Who is rooting for you?
- Do you have a sounding board to test ideas?
- Do you people to hold you accountable, raise blind spots, and ask probing questions.

What Needs Work?

- What challenges do you face?
- Are you poised to stay competent and current?
- Do you know what new skills achieving your vision will require?

What is Holding you Back?

- Do you need more discipline or focus?
- Is fear creeping in?
- Do you avoid addressing complex challenges?
- Are you stalling?

Where Do You Want to Go?

- Do you have time to think about next week?
- Where would your future self tell you to focus?
- How would your life change if you achieved your vision?

Do You Have a Plan?

- Is it the right plan?
- How will you stay on-plan?
- What could go wrong with your plan?

You Got This.

Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.

So.. What's Real For You... Right Now?

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Are You In "The Swirl?"

Are you in "The Swirl?"  See how Executive Coaching from The Nexus Initiative can help you make the changes you need.

Constantly Overwhelmed?

Don't Know Where to Focus?

Everyone is Upset At You.

Fires Everywhere?

Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.
Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.

So, How Does Coaching Work?

Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.

Here's How......

Coaching is about you.  It's. All. About. You.


Your needs will determine how we work together. 

Discussion topics can range from skills-building to situationally-specific issues relevant to your level in your organization.

To ensure success, together, we will craft an approach that meets your unique needs, is realistic, actionable, and measurable.

Therapy Closeup
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What Do We Talk About?

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Some Examples to Consider...

The Process

Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.
Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.


Schedule Your Call


Introductory Session


Define Scope and Development Plan


Realizing Your Vision

Your first step to realizing your vision.

Our first discussion to get to know each other 

We jointly define the specifics of our engagement.

The journey begins.

Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.

How Do We Maximize Success?

Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.

Your success can come down to a simple question.

Are. You. Willing?

Willingess to Engage

The work starts and ends with you. Showing up, embracing the process, and investing the time will put you on the path to the success.

Willingess to Change

How rigid/resistant to change are you?  What makes change difficult? Flexibility and willinginess to adapt, transition, pivot, etc. will accelerate your success.

Willingness to Commit

Change requires your commitment.  I'm committed to supporting you.

Willingness to Reflect

Deep, sustained change can be hard. Are you willing to "go there" and address problematic and/or self-limiting behaviors?

Willingness to Listen

Are you open to feedback? Accepting and acting on input will increase your success.

Willingness to Prioritize

The "Tyranny of Now" gets everyone occasionally. It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day. Prioritizing our work will quicken your success.

Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.

Your Mindset Matters

Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.

Choosing the Right Mindset Affects Your Outcomes.


Maintain a Beginner's Mindset

Aristotle said, "The more you know, the more you realize you don't know."  Purposefully stay in a "beginner's mindset" and you'll see and learn more and have fewer blind spots. The process will be more exciting, too.

Resist any urge to assume the posture of an "expert." The moment you do, you become less curious and the risk of blindspots increases.

Learn how to maintain a beginner's mindset from from The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practi


Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Learn the importance of Growth Mindset from from The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.

Growth Mindset: 
If you have a growth mindset, you believe you can improve, develop new abilities over time, and learn from your mistakes. Your past does not define your future. You see possibilities first.

Fixed Mindset:  

If you have a fixed mindset, you see the world through more of an unchangeable lens: "That's just the way things are," "It is what it is," or "I've never been good at that, and I never will be" are common phrases of a fixed mindset.


Viewing Mistakes As Opportunities, Not Flaws

Viewing your mistakes correctly can uncover a goldmine of insight about how to improve. We all make mistakes. Welcome to the human condition.

Learn to view mistakes and opportunities from from The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice


Understand the importance of Grace from from The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.

Giving Yourself and Others Grace

Be your own cheerleader, and root for those around you. Give yourself the grace and space to evolve and excel over time. Life's a bumpy road. It's about progress, not perfection.



Not much worthwhile in life comes without overcoming challenges or navigating rough seas.  It's just a part of life.  How you handle "what's hard" can make all the difference.  Expect hard, embrace hard, and move through hard.  Grit is the best word that compasses this trait.

Understand the importance of Grit from from The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.
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Logo of The Nexus Initiative, a one-of-a-kind boutique Executive Coaching practice.
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